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ReelTalk Movie Reviews
A Fascinating Documentary
by Betty Jo Tucker

They ride on broomsticks. They use magic wands. They belong to covens. They stir boiling cauldrons. And most of all, they cast evil spells. Those are the things most people know about witches. Before watching Halloween Obsessed: The Misconception of Witches, a short documentary film from producers Linda Palmer, Mark Cardone, Kris D Mauga and Barbara Dolny Bombar, I fell into that uninformed group. But now I know the truth after listening to three fascinating modern day witches and a Shaman explain what they really do.

Barbara Dolny-Bombar is a longtime practitioner of a nature-based spiritual path. Rae Davis, a solitary Pagan Witch, feels most comfortable communicating with nature. Dalea Faulkner is a whimsical kitchen witch who creates adventures for people to unwind and escape into. And Roger Lockshier has been a practitioner and student of various spiritual and mystical paths for over 30 years. These four do a great job of helping us discover “everything we wanted to know about witches but were afraid to ask.” 

The intriguing images shown in this creative film add to its cinematic pleasure and give us an eye-popping experience not usually seen in documentaries. Yay!      

No wonder this unique documentary has been accepted by the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema, which will be held from March 8 through the 13th (2022) in Idyllwild, California. And it’s not surprising that this movie has already earned four nominations including Best Documentary Featurette, Best Documentary Director, and Mary Austin Awards for Excellence in Directing and in Producing.

As Poet Laureate of the Movies, I couldn’t resist writing the review poem below.

A film to explain witchery

deftly counters the mystery

   and clears up misconceptions now

including images that wow!


We learn some facts from history

showing witches in misery.

Current witches reveal their work.

Fortunately, no demons lurk.


This documentary earns praise.

It’s good to learn the truth always.

FULL DISCLOSURE. I have to admit this topic hits home to me. My Irish grandmother was thought by some to be a witch because of the many people she cured with a potion (mixed up of flaxseed and whiskey) she made during the Spanish flu epidemic. And later, I was suspicious of her because of the strange things she made my sister and I do when we were ill. Some worked, some didn’t. But I believe her “positive intent” was always there.  

To learn more about Halloween Obsessed: The Misconception of Witches go to Runaway Productions at this link Runaway Productions | Home .


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