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Rated 3.02 stars
by 218 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
A Rapper's Bad Night
by Betty Jo Tucker

What price fame? How should one act when private photos go viral? Is vengeance with violence ever justified? These are some of the questions covered in the Dutch dramedy Forever Rich. The main character, Rich, wants to be known as a “tough rapper,” and on the night before one of his concerts he agrees to a 3 million dollar contract for three albums. But he’s not supposed to tell anyone yet.

Unfortunately, Rich (Jonas Smulders) gets robbed that night by a street gang and his behavior toward the robbers looks anything but tough. To make things worse, this incident goes viral right away. The rapper decides to go after the robbers because he thinks the film of what he does to them will regain his reputation.

The rest of the movie shows Rich in violent mode and doing everything wrong. He becomes his own enemy. And this all happens during just one night!             

Social media can ruin lives.

Sometimes shaming is worse than knives.

A Dutch rapper could tell you more.

“Forever Rich” includes that score.


From childhood, Rich wants funds and fame.

A poor boy’s dream. It’s not a game.

He struggles hard and gets so close.

But video throws poison dose.


Revenge he seeks to put things right

takes up his time in one rough night.

His behavior gets out of hand.

Where in the world will this guy land?


Too bad we can’t like Rich at all.

We almost want to see him fall.

His actions mostly make us cringe.

We get tired of his hateful binge.


Does the end justify the means?

Look closely at the ending scenes.    

Smulders seems to become “Rich” in every bone of his body. However, that makes it hard to empathize with this character. Perhaps there should have been a scene or two showing him with some saving grace. Granted, he’s shown being good to his mother -- but in a weird way that doesn’t help at all.       

Directed and co-written by Shady El-Hamus, Forever Rich holds our interest. But it’s a bit like being curious about a car accident. My advice, dear reader? Don’t forget that sometimes the car can be fixed to look as good as new.

Revenge is self-effacing. It eats away until there is nothing left. --- Chris Bradford

Indeed, wretched the man whose fame makes his misfortunes famous. --- Lucius Accius  

(Released by Netlix. Not rated by MPAA.)

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