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Rated 3.01 stars
by 185 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Timely and Terrifying
by Betty Jo Tucker

After watching Bad Impulse, directed and produced by Michelle Danner and starring Grant Bowler and Sonya Walger, I realized why this clever psychological thriller won several important awards on the film festival circuit. This movie really impressed me with its timely theme, suspenseful presentation, and shocking ending which includes a last shot that’s absolutely unforgettable!

Director Danner (Hello Herman) worked from a screenplay by Jason Chase Tyrrell (Ghost House). The story focuses on a topic near and dear to practically everyone. We all want to feel secure in our abode. And that’s what comes tumbling down for a father and husband (Bowler) who purchases a highly technical system requiring blood tests from the entire family in addition to all of them wearing ankle bracelets. The result? A life of paranoia and terror for each individual to be protected.          

Suspense, fear and anxiety!

“Bad Impulse” is a wild movie.

A film filled with hair-raising thrills

plus surprises and creepy chills.     


Home protection takes center stage

leading to family rampage.

Thriller fans should be very pleased.

But in the end will fears be eased?     


I can’t tell you, yet please beware.

“Bad Impulse” gives you quite a scare!

Bowler (Guns Akimbo) and Wagner (Anon) make their husband/wife/parent relationship come to life on screen. These are difficult roles requiring an emotional range, and both appear believable in a wide variety of scenes from calm and normal to your worst nightmare. The actors portraying the youngsters and Wagner’s sister are also challenged here, and each gives a credible performance.       

Dan Lauria (The Way Back) and Paul Sorvino (Welcome to Acapulco) play Bowler’s boss and a smooth salesman, respectively. I wish they had more camera time. It’s always a pleasure to watch great character actors like these two veterans show off their acting skills.         

I admit feeling completely exhausted at the end of this film. However, I enjoy watching thrillers that get me completely involved. “Edge of your seat” may be a cliché, but Bad Impulse deserves and gets that type of viewer response.

The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last. --- Orson Welles and/or Oscar Wilde

I think people like to be scared. I think people like tension and suspense in a movie. ---Damian Lewis

(Production company: All in Films. Not rated by MMPA. Available on Prime Video.)

NOTE: The film festival awards for Bad Impulse include: Best Feature Film at The Cutting Edge Independent Film Festival; Best Director at the Culver City Film Festival; Audience Award at the Ferrara Film Festival; Best Feature Film at the Golden State Film Festival; and Best Feature Film at the London Independent Film Festival.  

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