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Rated 2.96 stars
by 216 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Woman in Jeopardy Again
by Betty Jo Tucker

Films about women in jeopardy fascinate me. I have many favorites, including Julia Roberts’ Sleeping with the Enemy, Jennifer Lopez’s Enough, Carla Guigino’s Gerald’s Game, and two Doris Day non-musicals: Midnight Lace and Julie. That last one named is almost a parody of this type of movie. But I still enjoyed it. So now you know how biased I am about films with this theme.

Secret Obsession, a thriller from Netflix, fits the bill for me. Brenda Song (The Social Network) delivers a convincing performance as Jennifer, the woman in jeopardy here. She has amnesia, and I felt frightened for her in almost every scene. The first time we see Jennifer she’s running for her life -- and things get even more perilous as the story unfolds. Mike Vogel (The Help) portrays Russell, the husband Jennifer doesn’t recognize when he comes to the hospital after her accident. No wonder I had doubts about this character’s veracity from the very beginning. Although he appears caring and helpful, there’s something suspicious about him. He’s a perfect character for a “woman in jeopardy” offering!

I became even more suspicious when Russell takes Jennifer to a beautiful house in a secluded area with no neighbors within a mile -- and when he lies to a concerned detective (the always wonderful Dennis Haysbert from 24). What is Russell up to? The suspense builds each day as Jennifer struggles to escape her luxurious prison.   

Too bad some scenes appear a bit repetitive and hard to believe. Still, I never lost interest in brave Jennifer’s plight.             

Run fast, sweet lady, through the rain!

If caught, you‘ll face a world of pain.

But fate kicks in with memory

glossed over after tragedy.


Your hubby stands at your bedside.

A stranger to you. Has he lied?

He’s the one who will care for you.

It's hard to trust someone brand new.


“Secret Obsession” tries suspense

while viewers ponder what makes sense.

Woman in jeopardy again.

We hope this one is not done in.


Familiar theme not filmed the best.

But I’m a fan. You must have guessed.

Secret Obsession serves as a warning against stalking, toxic love and deadly obsessions. Don’t try this at home. 

Unrequited love differs from mutual love just like delusion differs from truth. --- George Sand

Sometimes the most poisonous people come disguised as friends and family. --- Unknown

(Released by Netflix, and rated TV-14 by MPAA.)

For more information about Secret Obsession, go to the IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes website.

Director: Peter Sullivan

Writers: Peter Sullivan and Kraig Wenman

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