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Rated 3 stars
by 242 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
The Maelstrom of Love
by Betty Jo Tucker

What is this thing called love? It’s a mystery, according to Cole Porter. Writer/director Alexander Hanno’s impressive Elephants explores love’s dark side while enticing viewers with fascinating but flawed main characters, witty dialogue, suspenseful situations, catchy music and excellent production values. All this held me glued to the screen and completely involved in what was happening to Kate and Lee, a couple trying to decide if they should get back together after being apart for three  years.

Lee (Luca Malacrino) has just been released from jail. When he appears at Kate’s (Allison Blaise) doorstep, she slams the door shut on him. Clearly, that’s not a good sign. But Lee doesn’t give up, and Kate finally agrees that he can stay with her for one night. The chemistry between these two lights up the screen right away.

Lee comes across as funny and sweet. He even uses lines from Iron Man in his conversations and posts cute notes about elephants on Kate’s refrigerator door. But he’s also lazy and quick tempered.

Kate, a recovering alcoholic, seems more practical and goal oriented, but she’s easily manipulated, especially by Lee. We begin to see trouble ahead when Kate starts trying to change Lee’s life style, egged on by her bossy sister, played to the hilt by Lauren Kelly.                                 

Two former lovers meet at last.

Can they ever forget the past?

Changes may have matured each one.

"Elephants" shows what they have done.


Sexual passion as a pair

oozes on screen like something rare.

Will love keep them from doing harm

while using their seductive charm?


The co-stars in this fine movie

win loud applause and raves from me.

I felt like a fly on the wall

watching life, love and all!

 It’s a treat to watch Luca Malacrino and Allison Blaise bring these lovers to life on screen. Both talented actors are perfectly cast. Their romantic scenes ring true, and their fiery arguments remind me of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton’s ferocious interactions in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Kudos to filmmaker Alexander Hanno for offering us a movie about what happens when toxic love takes over a person’s life. It’s not a pretty sight -- but something that should be dealt with in more films.

(Released by Indie Rights; not rated by MPAA. Available on Amazon Prime)

 What is this thing called love?
This funny thing called love?
Just who can solve its mystery?
Why should it make a fool of me?

         --- Cole Porter, composer and lyricist

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