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Rated 3.01 stars
by 253 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Rock Star Dreams
by Betty Jo Tucker

Written and directed by Ricky Gervais, David Brent: On the Road follows the misadventures of a fictional British TV character from “The Office” series as he tries to be a touring rock star. In the title role, Gervais makes us feel sorry for the pathetic David Brent and even evokes a few laughs over his social inadequacies, but the movie uses the same situation too many times. And that causes the film to bog down when it should be moving along nicely. Still, this mockumentary-style comedy concludes with one of the most satisfying endings I’ve seen on screen in a long time.     

He longs to be a true rock star

and be admired – or up to par.

But David Brent appears too old,

which doesn’t stop him being bold.


Other problems he has to face

with women and his songs of race.

His band members think he’s a mess.

His lyrics cause them great distress.


Still, David pushes on and on

until his funds are almost gone.

Then back to his dull office work

where most think he is just a jerk.


Repetitive this movie seems

but it reminds us about dreams.

If we don’t try how will we know?

Our dreams can help us learn to grow.

There’s no doubt about Ricky Gervais’ talent. His comic genius can be seen in so many TV appearances and other films. He’s definitely one of a kind. My favorite Gervais performances? His work on the TV series “Extras” and his portrayal of the amusing villain in Muppets Most Wanted. In the interest of full disclosure, I haven’t seen the British version of “The Office.” But he must have been great in the David Brent part. And I have no complaints about his portrayal in On the Road. Gervais makes this character seem so real -- and, yes, even loveable at times. I especially enjoyed his rendition of the outrageous “American Indian" song. However, he’s not doing enough different things here.

On a positive note, Doc Brown enlivens the film as rapper Dom Johnson in a very exciting gig scene. Too bad that’s his only solo number.  

I think when you move past your fear and you go after your dream wholeheartedly, you become free. --- LL Cool J

Lose your dreams and you might lose your mind. --- Mick Jagger

(Released by Netflix. Not rated by MPAA.)

For more information about David Brent: On the Road, go to the IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes website.

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