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Rated 3.01 stars
by 263 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Memorable Suspense Thriller
by Betty Jo Tucker

Throbbing with a sense of place and a feeling of unease, Forgotten Hero comes across as one of those films you can’t forget. In fact, it has stayed with me for several days now. I can’t stop thinking about how filmmaker Paul Bright drew me so completely into a disturbing -- yet fascinating -- world of isolation and fear. An unusual setting, intriguing characters, a plot filled with surprises, and impressive production values (especially for a low-budget indie movie) all contribute to the quality of this memorable suspense thriller.

Bright, who lives in the Pacific Northwest, almost turns the backwoods area of the Cascade Mountains rainforest into one of the characters here. Rain, rain and more rain helps create a creepy atmosphere that serves the movie well. Folks living in this location are sometimes cut off from the rest of civilization. As the tagline explains: NO HEAT. NO FOOD. NO PHONE. IT’S MURDER.

Forgotten Hero places its main characters together in this dreary atmosphere -- and then follows them carefully as they journey to a climax with serious consequences for everyone. It all begins when Trevor (Matthew Bostrom), a homeless Iraqi war veteran looking for a ride, gets picked up by Chloe and Shawn, a hippie couple (Heather Liddycoat and Patrick D. Green), who take him to their cabin located deep in the woods. They share this cabin with three other people. Because of weather problems, Trevor can’t leave -- so they all have to make do with the meager food supply and cramped space. Complicating matters even more, someone may be hiding in the woods and stealing their food at night. Suspicions rise, tempers flare, and romantic entanglements ensue.

However, the most important issue involves Trevor’s true identity. He helps out, of course, but he’s very strange -- and loses his temper at times. Bostrom seems perfectly cast in this enigmatic role. He makes us want to empathize with Trevor, but we’re just not sure who this handsome guy really is. The rest of the cast members also deliver first-rate performances. I’m particularly impressed with Liddycoat and Green. I believed in the unconventional relationship between their characters because of their sensitive portrayals.

It’s easy to become invested in Forgotten Hero. Bright (Abrupt Decision) knows how to move things along with just the right pace to keep the suspense alive and to maintain our interest. The ending shocked me, but that’s one of the things I like about good thrillers. I recommend this one without reservation.                      

(Released by Paul Bright Films; not rated by MPAA.)

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