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ReelTalk Movie Reviews
That Darn Cat
by Betty Jo Tucker

Cat Scratch, a short comedy thriller, offers 16 minutes of pure fun. Expertly lensed, edited and directed by Christian de Rezendes (Memories for Sale), this little gem of a film still has me chuckling days after watching it. In fact, it’s difficult to write a review because I keep stopping to laugh as I remember how completely paranoid the main character becomes after being scratched by a neighbor’s cat.

Everything works here. Co-writers Jenn Dlugos and Andrea G. Henry created a very amusing screenplay; the human – plus one feline -- actors make it all seem real; and even the camera angles add to the movie’s humorous tale.  

It’s a simple story about Jeff (Jeremy Banks), an insurance salesman, who’s looking forward to a typical day at the office. But as the old saying goes, “Man plans; God laughs.” On the way to work, Jeff encounters Miguel, the neighbor’s cat, who scratches him. And so begins Jeff’s descent into a dark world filled with fear. He believes Miguel could be rabid, which would mean the cat has given him rabies. He also thinks his own time on this earth might last only nine more days. The movie then shows viewers what happens between Jeff and Miguel during each of those days. And it’s not a pretty sight -- but a very funny one indeed. 

Banks (Getting Out of Rhode Island) seems purrfect (the Devil made me write that) in this seriocomic role. He never hams it up, but with each of his gestures and facial expressions, we know what he’s thinking and feeling. Frederick Fairbanks and Maria Ciampa (Boston Psychiatric) add to the fun as Miguel’s unusual “owners.” Plus, Grant Maloy Smith’s (Bad Hair Day) original score helps set the tone for all the hijinks.

Happily, Rufus the Cat, who plays Miguel, also deserves recognition for a memorable turn here, even though it might not be much of a stretch for the crafty feline.

Although short films usually don’t have sequels, I would love to see one for Cat Scratch -- or maybe a full-length movie!      

(Released by Breaking Branches Pictures; not rated by MPAA.)

For more information about Cat Scratch, go to the film’s official site at or to the Internet Movie Data Base website.

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