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Rated 3.06 stars
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ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Oh, Doctor!
by Betty Jo Tucker

Forgive me again, dear reader, but my inner poet insisted on ranting about A Little Bit of Heaven, a sentimental overdose co-starring Kate Hudson and Gael Garcia Bernal.


Does she have cancer?

Indeed it is so.

But her doctor knows

the right way to go.


Love is the answer.

He’s sure of that now.

And he’ll be the one

to show her just how.


Humor and pathos

combine here with strain.

A bit of heaven

comes not without pain.


While facing one’s death

is serious stuff,

joking can help it

from being so rough.


Most good friends stay close.

Yet one draws away.

She can’t seem to pick

the right things to say.


Mother cries often.

But what about Dad?

When will he admit

he too feels so sad?


Talking with God should

help a great deal.

But Whoopi Goldberg

cannot cancer heal.


Three wishes She grants

from her cloudy sphere.

Will one offer hope

or love oh so dear?


Will doc and patient

get sexy at last?

Are morals really 

strange things from their past?


Alas …..


Those who like lovers

with chemistry plus

may end up saying

“This film’s not for us.”


(Released by Millenium Entertainment and rated “PG-13” for sexual content, including crude references and language.)

For more information regarding A Little Bit of Heaven, go to the Internet Movie Data Base ( or Rotten Tomatoes website.

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