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ReelTalk Movie Reviews
From Betsy to Cindy Again
by Betty Jo Tucker

Dear Cindy,

Sorry I haven’t written lately. I still miss you a lot! Mom and I saw Aquamarine this afternoon, so I wanted to tell you about it right away. It’s a totally awesome story of two best friends -- and one of them has to move to another country at the end of the summer. Claire and Hailey, the two junior high girls in the movie, sure remind me of us. They’re both sad like we were after learning you were moving away. Just imagine how excited we would’ve been if a beautiful mermaid had come into our lives and promised us a wish in return for helping her! You know what our wish would’ve been, don't you? 

And guess what Aqua (that’s the mermaid’s cute name) wants Claire and Hailey to do? Help her find someone who will fall in love with her in three days. If that doesn’t happen, she’ll have to return home and marry a merman her father has picked out for her. Claire and Hailey agree, but they’re not too happy about the guy Aqua has her eye on. It’s Raymond, the lifeguard both girls have a major crush on -- and I don’t blame them. Wow, is he a hottie! I watched for his real name at the end of the movie. It’s Jake McDorman, and he simply HAS to make more movies. I almost fainted every time he flexed his muscles in slow motion.  

By the way, Cindy, you’ll probably recognize the girls playing Claire and Hailey.  Emma Roberts, star of Unfabulous on Nickelodeon, is Claire, and singer JoJo Levesque plays Hailey. They do a good job showing the way friends try to look out for each other. Hailey likes to take risks and Claire doesn't, but you and I know best friends don’t always have to think alike. Remember how we used to argue over whether Britney or Christina had the best voice?          

Before I forget, the mermaid is played by Sara Paxton. Did you ever see Sara on that Saturday afternoon TV series called Darcy’s Wild Ride? Sara looks absolutely gorgeous here, even with her blue hair and fishy tail. But I honestly think the actress who steals the show is Arielle Kebbel. She plays a smart-alecky girl who wants Raymond all to herself. She was such fun to watch -- although I wanted to slap her in the face most of the time.

I can’t believe Mom didn’t enjoy Aquamarine as much as I did, Cindy. She complains about the girls’ voices being too shrill and calls the movie  “a harmless fantasy that should’ve been shown only on TV.” She didn’t even chuckle at the funny dating advice Hailey and Claire dish out to Aqua in a couple of scenes. Go figure!

Here’s hoping you get to see Aquamarine soon. Please don't  forget to write and let me know what you think about it.

Your best friend,


(Released by 20th Century Fox and rated “PG” for mild language and sensuality.)

Read Betsy's letter to Cindy about Princess Diaries 2.    

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